Below you will find all the training agreements you need to agree upon whether you’re just using my training programs or actively doing my classes and sessions either live or online, for both fitness and life coaching
General Statement of Program Objectives and Procedures:
The services to be provided by the coach to the client are virtual coaching, as agreed jointly with the client. Coaching may address specific personal projects, business, successes, or general conditions in the client’s life or profession. Other coaching services include value clarification, brainstorming, identifying plans of action, examining modes of operating in life, asking clarifying questions, and making empowering requests or suggestions for action. Throughout the working relationship, the coach will engage in direct and personal conversations. The client understands that successful coaching requires a co-active collaborative approach between client and coach. In the coaching relationship, the coach plays the role of a facilitator of change, but it is the client’s responsibility to enact or bring about the change. If the client believes the coaching is not working as desired, the client will communicate and take action to return the power to the coaching relationship.
I understand that the physical fitness program includes exercises to build the cardiorespiratory system (Heart & Lungs), the musculoskeletal system (muscle endurance, strength, and flexibility), and to improve body composition (decrease body fat in individuals needing to lose fat with an increase in weight of muscle and bone). Exercise may include aerobic activities (treadmill, walking, running, bicycle riding, rowing machine exercise, group aerobic activity, swimming, and other aerobic activities), calisthenic exercises, weight lifting to improve muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility exercises to improve joint range of motion.
Description of Potential Risks:
I understand that the reaction of the heart, lung, and blood vessel system to exercise cannot always be predicted with accuracy. I know there is a risk of certain abnormal changes occurring during or following exercise which may include abnormalities of blood pressure or heart attacks. Use of weight lifting equipment and engaging in heavy body calisthenics may lead to musculoskeletal strains, pain, and injury if adequate warm-up, gradual progression, and safety procedures are not followed. I understand that seller shall not be liable for any damages arising from personal injuries sustained by the buyer while and during the PERSONAL TRAINING PROGRAM. A buyer using the exercising equipment during the PERSONAL TRAINING PROGRAM does so at his/her own risk. The buyer assumes full responsibility for any injuries or damages which may occur during the training. I hereby fully and forever release and discharge the seller, its assigns, and agents from all claims, demands, rights of action, present and future therein. I understand and warrant, release and agree that I am in the good physical condition and that I have no disability, impairment, or ailment preventing me from engaging in active or passive exercise that will be detrimental to my heart, safety or comfort, or physical condition if I engage or participate (other than those fully discussed on health history form). I state that I have had a recent physical checkup and have my personal physician’s permission to engage in aerobic and/or anaerobic conditioning.
Rescheduling, Interruption of service, and cancelation For Live Services
Rescheduling of any session requires a minimum 24-hour notice to avoid charges for that session.
Interrupted sessions due to a client emergency are considered full sessions and therefore cannot be refunded.
Cancellation of services requires a 30-day notice to avoid charges for sessions already scheduled.
If by any reason of death or permanent disability, the participant is unable to complete the training program, he/she shall be relieved of the obligation of making payment other than for services performed before death or onset of disability.
Guarantee of services
Should the trainer not appear for a pre-scheduled, prepaid session, the participant shall have the option to reschedule the missed appointment or service or receive a full refund for that particular session.
The client can, at any point in the coaching session, declare his/her preference not to discuss a specific issue, by simply stating that they would rather not discuss this issue. The coach agrees to respect this boundary and will not attempt to forward the conversation further along those lines.
All information about the coach / client relationship will remain strictly confidential except in very rare circumstances where decreed by law; Ie. where the court might issue a subpoena for the file or information. If you wish for me as your coach to speak to someone outside our interactions, then you need to give me written permission (original letter, message or email) to do so. Exceptions to confidentiality of course relate to circumstances such as intent to seriously harm someone, child abuse etc. Otherwise, all your information is confidential.
Description of Potential Benefits:
I understand that a program of regular exercise for the heart, lungs, muscles, and joints has many benefits associated with it. These may include a decrease in body fat, improvement in blood fats and blood pressure, improvement in physiological function, and a decrease in risk of heart disease. I have read the foregoing information and understand it. I hereby acknowledge that I reviewed and agree to all of the conditions stated in this registration form. Any questions which may have occurred to me have been answered to my satisfaction.